Starlight: Episode 1 - The Stand-a-thon (Part 2)
Posted by Suzanne on
Number of people currently in line: 18

As of Sunday morning, May 16, NYLine Countdown has collected $1,353 from generous New Yorkers and tourists who have stopped by out site. Thank you to all the dedicated Line members whose enthusiasm make it all happen hour after hour, day after day...
As a reminder, beginning on May 18, NYLine members may hand deliver pledge sheets along with cash, checks or money orders to Suzanne. For those of you who will finish collecting your pledges after May 19th, please mail your pledge sheets along with checks and/or money orders to Starlight Children's Foundation office in Manhattan:
1560 Broadway, Suite 600
New York, NY 10036
Attention: Michaela Potter
Keep in mind that NYLine Coutdown will be auctioning off 5 NYLine T-shirts complete with the Statue of Liberty brandishing her very own lightsaber with all proceeds going to the Starlight Children's Foundation NY*NJ*CT! Also, I will be donating my second NYLine STAFF T-shirt to the Starlight Children's Foundation. There will only be 20 STAFF T-shirts made and the particular shirt that I will be donating will be signed by all staff.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at