To The Ziegfeld We Go!!!
Posted by Robert on
Number of people currently in line: 0
We Have The Ziegfeld...

Yes, it's true! After weeks of intense negotiations, we have finally reached an agreement with the one-and-only Ziegfeld theater. This luxuriously beautiful theater will be the official home of the New York Line. We're thrilled, and we're pretty sure that you are let's work together to make this experience one for the history books!
- We will NOT be starting the line on the 24th of April. The line will officially start on May Day, 5/1/99. The point system has been modified accordingly to accomodate this change.
- Bathroom facilities will NOT be made available by the theater; however, we are making arrangements with local merchants to satisfy this most important need.
- For the first eight days of the line, shifts will be created to reflect a 17 hour day (from 8am to 1am). Starting on May 8th the shifts will be going on 24/7 until the big day.
So, there you have it folks. The dream has become a reality. Not only will we actually be lining up, we will actually be lining up in style, at the most prestigious movie house in the city (which, by the way, WILL be THX certified by movie-time).
Line Quick Facts
- Where? The Ziegfeld Theater
- When? Saturday, May 1
- How long? Three weeks...until May 19
- Who's going to be there? Robert, Suzanne, Michele, Louis, Abbas, Vincent, Giovanni, Jason, John, Amit, Mike, Pete, Karen, Matthew, Noel, Spell...and hopefully...YOU!!
Do you think 3 weeks sounds like a long time? Think that things might get a little slow after the first few days (hours, minutes)? Not a chance! We've got all sorts of great stuff planned for line games, 24-hour telecasts of the original (and Special Edition) trilogy, light-saber battles, role playing game sessions...if it's remotely Star Wars related, we will have it on the line! And if that's not enough, the entire event from start to finish is going to be broadcast live over the net (courtesty of France Telecom/ So if you don't want to miss out on the fan event of the millenium, sign up now and reserve yourself a spot in entertainment history...
Also, anyone interested in getting up-to-date info on the New York Line can contact us directly at
Sign Up to Line Up!!!
Due to the enormous response of fans everywhere, we are temporarily unable to sign fans up for the STAND-A-THON. Please check back here often for further information regarding the possibilty of more line spot openings.
If you have any suggestions or questions pertaining to the shift schedule and/or related topics, please email Abbas Rezvi.
We have some great sponsors! a new portal site (check out, will not only be promoting the line over their entire network, they've also agreed to provide live internet coverage of the event.
Also, Forbidden Planet located at 840 Broadway, NY, NY 10003 has graciously offered their support. They will be providing store merchandise for contest prizes, as well as a slew of other goodies. So, for all your Star Wars needs, visit their store on Broadway, or call them at 212-473-1576.
Thanks also go out to Wincam who has joined the NYLine team as a webcam sponsor.
In other news, we're actively organizing power and phone line access with local Midtown merchants.
What's in the area?
Lots of great stuff...Now that we know where it's happening, look for this space to fill up quickly with all sorts of useful information.
How do I get there?
Here's a map of the NYC subway off the press from New York City Transit. Hope it helps...
Keep an eye on this spot for a more complete guide to travel in and around NYC.