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Fan of the Day Requests

Posted by Amit on

Number of people currently in line: 2187

Hey have you seen my jaw around here somewhere? I left it on the floor sometime around 9:02 on Sunday night. I really need it back so I can, y' how cool that trailer was.

As I mentioned before, there are going to be a flurry of major announcements coming up, but in advance of all that I just wanted to send out this little note - We're looking to start up our old "Fan of the Day" section of the site, in which we profile one of our line members and their enjoyment of those wacky Guerres des Etoiles. So send in your story of fandom, reminisces from Line I, or ruminations on your upcoming visit, along with a picture if possible on 3 x 5 card with a stamped, self addressed envelope to But when you get up on the site, try not to get cocky, kid. Being a famous internet personality is not an easy challenge, and even if you succeed it's a hard life. Just look at my loss of anonymousnessess, it's really quite a shame. But I do love my public...