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NYLine Episode III...

Posted by Spell on

Number of people currently in line: 0

During the last days on the line I was asked several times if the website would still stay up. Well, If nothing prevents it from staying up then the answer is most definitely "Yes!"

Unlike 1999, I have more control of the site and I plan on keeping it up for as long as possible.

News updates may be few and far between, but as long as there is another Star Wars movie on the horizon then there will be a line for it...and a website.

For now, you can stay tuned for more updates within the next few days regarding opening day. If you have any pictures that you would like to send in to be posted on the site then please email them to

Who says that just because we have no line now that the line is over...we have one more Star Wars movie to go, folks! Only 1,097 more days to go! 2005 or bust!