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NYLine's Big Splash!

Posted by Spell on

Number of people currently in line: 0

NYLine II Splash Page

Hello, Gang! Sorry for the long delay between posts - as you know things have been quite hectic here in New York. I think it is safe to say however that NYLine is finally back on track!

If you came in from the hompage (or if you look up above at our header) you may have noticed quite a different look.

This new feel was designed by a our good friend, Tony Jessup - a hell of a great designer if I do say so myself. Check out his site if you like at

We actually have two homepages (or splash pages as they are commonly known) that load at random upon entry. Go back and hit refresh a few times to see what I mean.

For all of you who have signed up for the newsletter, please rest assured that it is on the way.