Michele Hadlow
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Michele has been a Star Wars fan since the first time she saw the film. It was when the movies finally came out on video for the first time however, that she knew she was hooked for life. Since her lucky family has one of the first VCR's in the neighborhood the summer Empire was released, she quickly became quite popular with the neighborhood kids I can tell you!!! Michele is an avid reader and can remember reading books like the Wizard or Oz series when she was very young. She fondly remembers Star Wars as being one of first movies that lived up to the books she has been reading -- a visual feast as full of imagination as her favorite books. As she got older, she was able to enjoy and appreciate the film on even more levels, and the fascination with the film just grew and grew.
A graduate of Pratt University where she majored in both Photography and Education, Michele is a Photo Editor for Forbes Global magazine in New York. Along with her passion for reading, photography has always been a very important part of her life. Michele was born in California and raised on Long Island by two loving parents who, so she says, have been very patient and understanding when it came to her Sci Fi interests! Her countless hours spent in front of her The Empire Strikes Back Atari Video game battling the Empire to the tunes of John Williams could have been a source of concern to less understanding parents!
As an adult, Michele has found that a surprisingly large number of friends and colleagues share her interest and passion for Star Wars. Michele has been thrilled that her volunteer work with New York Line countdown has connected with others who share a love of the Star Wars saga, but also the unique ways in which the films have inspired us all in our adult professional lives. While not a major collector of memorabilia, she has managed to keep the Star Wars spirit alive through the quiet years. One highlight was her trip to San Francisco for the 10th Anniversary convention. Many, MANY people came to pay tribute to Lucas that weekend, but her most vivid memory is when George said that he would make three new Star Wars films. She's waited a long time for that statement to come true doubtlessly well worth the wait!